“You aren’t really wild, mom,” said my teenage son a decade ago. I think he meant it as a compliment.
I always wanted to be wild. My little girl dreamed of being Tiger Lily, my teenager wanted to be a freedom seeking Native American girl on her black mustang and my grown up adored “Women who run with wolves.” I had my wilder moments touching punk and hippie spirit, throwing diva tantrums or feeling my lower chakras when swinging my hips at Afro Haitian dance in Santa Fe. I had my fierce elbow fights to success. But I never was truly a wild woman. I rebelled but wasn’t free; the inhibitions of the “good girl” were strong.
I loved the book “Women who run with wolves,” which appeared in my life again, one day before “my” coyote, who strolled through the neighborhood for a decade now, stopped at my door and looked at me. It’s time to step it up.
I chose a designer’s leopard suit to foreshadow my path into the fierce and fearless me.
Outfits are the best affirmations; tangible and with us all day.
A spirit animal is described as a teacher or messenger that comes in the form of an animal. Other names might be animal guides, spirit helpers, spirit allies, power animals, or animal helpers. Shamans tell us that the animal chooses us. It might already be present in your life and like me you recently you just need to open your eyes to discover it. In the “normalcy” of life we often don’t see the “more.” Our spirit animals provide “medicine” by evoking emotions and thoughts. It guides or protects, teaches or awakens.
The symbolism of spirit animals is an amazing language to learn and has been practiced for thousands of years.
Invite your spirit animal
Everything is mindset; when we open up to the magic of archetypes and stories and declare our openness magic is invited to happen. You can use your thoughts, words, song, your tarot cards, an altar, the fire of candles or the smoke of sage. No matter how small or elaborate, it’s the energy of your invite that counts, your willingness to be touched by magical realms.
1. Were their animals in your life at certain periods or crossroads you might or might have opened up to?
2. Was there an animal lately that got your attention? Either in real life, dreams, meditation or via a digital attraction?
3. What do you feel looking at the animal? What is its story? What are its qualities and traits? Its social behavior and status? Its loves and hates?
4. Is there a message you see? An emotion to be resolved, a task pointed to? Work to be completed?
5. What does the animal have to do with you; what does it symbolize that is important at this moment of your journey?
6. Is there an animal in your life showing up and fascinating you in any way more often?
7. Is there an animal that resonated with you since childhood?
8. Are there animals you feel drawn to without any logical explanation?
9. Do you have a birth animal in you zodiac signs?
If you have never encountered your spirit animal and would like to meet it, ask it to show itself.
“Liquid Death” says the tin of spring water. I don’t quite get this marketing but for me it means I flush down my fears out of my body with pure water, showers or a swim in ocean waves can do the same trick.
When I was angry on in a dark day of my soul, a hummingbird in the garden touched my hair. It was like a glitch in the matrix; I stopped, I was present in the moment and my anger was washed away.
And she came back yesterday in a very different form. Her name is Barbie Holmes.
A friend of mine had overheard two women talking about me and interpreted it as a mean remark about my “demanding presence.” I told Barbie that I felt sad about it.
“You exude personal power, self-confidence, and dignity in your independence,” she said, “like the leopard you’re wearing.” She transformed the women’s remark into the best possible. Her spirit animal is a hummingbird.
The hummingbird has deep mystical meanings but what it symbolized in my friend is its ability to open the heart; its feathers flutter for love and joy. It transforms pain into independent thinking; refraining from creating new trauma by communicating new view points to old stories. My friend Barbie sees the beauty in people through hummingbird’s eyes.
Leopard Spirit Animal Meanings
“Leopard symbolism is about having confidence in your life journey. The road may be rough and the climb may be more challenging than you thought, but trust in your abilities that you can conquer them all. Leopard symbolizes the beauty and boldness which you possess that will attract the energies that you need. The universe will help you achieve what you desire, but you should also use your gifts to make them possible.
Your leopard totem wants you to remember that what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. There is always light at the end of the tunnel, and you can experience a wonderful rebirth after a period of struggles and pains.
The leopard meaning urges you to accept and embrace your flaws and weaknesses to discover your own strengths. Stop hiding behind what you think are your shortcomings and imperfections because you have the power to accomplish all the things that you dream of. “
When your wear Leo print remember to also use its power.
Leopard mantras
to own our personal power and step into true confidence.
imitate the movements of the leopard; leap over challenges and obstacles with grace and efficiency
dance to your own rhythm and learn how to negotiate our environment.
find the right path and believe that we will be successful
Be patient and persistent about your desires because this is the leopard meaning that you should never ignore.