“Ageless rebels step out of age, gender, and race, and join in tribes of passionate mindsets, facing this adventurous experiment called life with joy.
What's so cool about this threat of being called "OLD" is that it is a wake up call. Swear a little bit, stomp your foot and say NO. Discover your true power. I am happy to help.
In my next post I'll transform every judgment and nasty prediction of ageism into it's opposite, a power. But today I'd like you to play with me, do a little test and smile.
I love playful discoveries of who I am, I'm talking to my deeper self via astrology, Tarot cards and let people and situation mirror my inner turmoil of amazingness and doubts.
Tests though are simply fun.
Your sofa is best described as:
a) Huge, 10 years old, with velvet upholstery. b) Up-cycled from a tiki bar near your flat. c) A two-seater with floral loose covers.
When you want to relax after a day at work, your top option is:
a) Netflix binge, obviously. b) Going out. It's a bit tricky to kick back in a flatshare with five other people. c) Popping a DVD into the player and enjoying a glass of wine.
You want to redecorate. First, you:
a) Get on Pinterest and start pinning deep, dark-blue kitchens. b) Get on Pinterest and dream of one day owning your own home. c) Why would you decorate? You had that done when you moved in.
Your favourite cookbook is by:
a) Yottam Ottolenghi. You're thinking of going vegan, or at least demi-vegie. b) Gwyneth Paltrow. She's so beautiful. c) Margaret Fulton. Utterly reliable.
Your ideal romantic break is:
a) An Airbnb in a city you've never visited before. Or Byron Bay – the noisy bit. b) An Airbnb in a city you've never visited before. Or Byron Bay – the quiet bit. c) A five-star country hotel, though cruises are starting to look appealing
You can't live without:
a) Your iPhone. b) Your mates. c) Your osteopath.
Mainly a) You are a perennial, of course – engaged, adventurous and tech-savvy.
Mainly b) You're a true millennial – but you share a lot of interests and attitudes with the new mid-lifers.
Mainly c) You're embracing traditional middle age. The only perennials you're interested in are in your garden. The rest, frankly, sounds quite tiring.
Test by The Sydney Morning Herald